Refined Model Mapping
Building Element Classification extends ArchiCAD construction element data by adding new properties such as "IFC Element Type," and "Structural Function" to provide the foundation for model mapping with engineering BIM models.
Model-based IFC Reference Model Version Tracking
For best-in-class coordination workflow with Engineers, ArchiCAD 14 allows architects to compare IFC model versions and to import only differences, displaying design changes with color codes in the architectural model context.
Direct Link to Structural and MEP Applications
IFC translators optimized for exporting model data to various structural and MEP applications - including Revit Structure and Revit MEP - offer best-in-class coordination workflow with leading engineering solutions worldwide.
Streamlined Autodesk AutoCAD 2010 DWG I/O
Despite increased reliance on model-based workflows, architects still need to coordinate their designs with engineers using traditional 2D workflows. ArchiCAD 14 introduces streamlined DWG/DXF 2010 Import-Export and support for DWG formats used by all Autocad® 2010-based applications.
Next Generation Teamwork
ArchiCAD 13 introduced the GRAPHISOFT BIM Server – a first of its kind solution for model based team collaboration. ArchiCAD 14 also moves forward with developments to its revolutionary BIM Server based Teamwork solution, further optimizing the management of design teams working on shared BIM projects. All Teamwork functionality is free of charge and available out-of-the-box!
Teamwork "Pack & Go"
Teamwork "Pack & Go" enables designers to take Teamwork projects anywhere as a transportable data package. Additional work can be done without the need for physical access to the BIM Server from any remote computer.
BIM Server Performance Monitor
The BIM Server performance monitor function provides project leaders and CAD/BIM managers with powerful management tools to get all the information necessary for the decisions required for an optimal Teamwork project workflow.

Teamwork "Solo" Mode
Teamwork "solo" mode helps solo practitioners utilize the full potential of the powerful BIM Server infrastructure on solo projects as well as provides a significantly streamlined workflow for project leaders at the early phases of large team projects.